October 17, 2009

Oella HOA Solar Denial Letter

It sounds like the Oella HOA board, in it's fiduciary duties, feels it has the right to commit HOA member funds to defend against a legal liability that, if lost, will cost the association membership significantly.
It is ridiculous that the Oella HOA would take this risk to "protect the value of the Oella community to maintain aesthetic harmony".  How Absurd!
If they were really interested in community input- they would not have only invited 9 members to attend the board meeting 10/12/09 by special written notice.
The Boards decision is never final and is always subject to change- either by a court of law, or by the will of the members and not a select minority.

1 comment:

  1. Once again the Oella HOA Board does not even follow correct procedure. The ARC can not make a ruling on such matters since there are no rules regarding solar installations. The ARC can only turn over this matter, along with any recommendations, to the board. The letter from the "community manager" does not even quote the guideline that they think they are upholding. I live one house down from the property making the request and I was not even sent an invitation to hear the matter. Any such matter should have the full attention of the FULL membership not selective houses. This board continues to practice selective enforcement of the current guidelines, and has not properly addressed the new request to the entire membership.
